Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Soy un Peregrino!

So the pilgrimage has officially begun, i took a train to Bayonne, and then to Saint Jean Pied de Port, and now i have biked about 300km from there. howver, from then till now i will upload some pictures and try to narrate, however time is scarse and i have to wash clothes, boil eggs, and take a shower all in about 25 minutes! so i left from st jean, and met a german man, 67 years old, Erich, whom i rode with for about 4 days from st jean to Pamplona, it was nice to travel with him and hear his stories, however once i got to Pamplona and the San Fermin festival to see the running of the bulls i had to leave him to make better time on the way to Santiago. the journey has been hard at times but always i am in the good company and somehow i always find a good meal, whether i cook it myself or i get it from a refuge, albergue, or hostal. Being a peregrino (pilgrim) is nice because people instantly recognize who you are and what you are doing, and generally respect you, and usually approach you for conversation, so i am never alone, always there is someone to speak with from another country, with another point of view. i have seen countlesss cathedrals, churches, monestaries, and the like, all the while taking pictures of each and every one that i encounter. Also i have seen many mountains, and struggled over each one! to date i have ridden over 5 mountains and over the cliffs of Costa Brava, and before reaching Santiago i will ride over two more passes, and i have no idea what i will encounter in Portugal. so far i have ridden on bicycle just short of 1000km and my legs are SO tired, each day gets a little rougher, but i will take a break maybe in Burgos, 2 days from now, as it is a beautiful city with much to see. For now i will just upload as many pictures as i can and narrate as best as possible. All is well, including myself, my bicycle, and my spirits.

Saint Jean Pied de Port, where the pilgrimage began...

Orisson, where i stayed the night


Sheep in the fog on the way to Rosconvalles

The fog in the mountainsç

Erich and I in the mountains

Dam near Zubiri

Pamplona sewer lid at the dam

San Fermin festival, the bulls are running, you cant see them...

Hot air balloon released at San Fermin Festival, Pamplona

Farm land on the way to Longroño

quiet village street complete with black cat

beautiful cathedral in Los Arcos, its sideways....

Casas de las Cañas

Pottery in Rioja

thats all for now, i have to wash clothes and sleep. all is good, Christopher!


  1. i love those sheep in the fog! made me think of "black sheep"... did you watch that with us?? ZOMBiE SHEEP! BEWARE!!!

  2. this is curious. the pottery in Rioja looks strikingly similar to the pottery in Logrono. hmm. :)
