Friday, July 17, 2009

1500km - Barcelona to Santiago, yes...

Adventure every day... Ruitelan, the edge of the city, riding my bike, everything is great, preparing myself for the nearly 1000 meter climb to the pass...BAM! a car door opens just as i am passing and in less than one second im from about 20km per hour to a dead stop, i fly into the door bang my head (thankfully i was wearing a helmet, now cracked), as well as my shoulder. DAMN, then i was on the ground sliding towards the curb, my camera sliding on the ground...shit thats all i can say. it hurt but i am fine, my bike is fine thankfully, so i just came out of it shaken, a few cuts and bruises and a banged up shoulder and knee. but hey, adventure everyday...thats the saying amongst the bikers i have met, and its true for me too :) but i made the climb and then the next two peaks as well, then down the mountain to sleep in Samos, the site of a very old monestary, of which the mural pictures are from. The next day, me and my friend Rico, made the ride from Samos to Melida, it was SO cold there, we had a few beers and then went to sleep, and now today we did the 55km ride into Santiago, where i officially completed El Camino de Santiago. However, we will now ride to Muxia, then 3 days ride to Porto, and i will go on another 2-3 days ride to Lisbon, and on and again, everything is fine, i have a place to sleep tonight, although i could smell a little better and my clothes could be a little here are more pictures from the last few days. Christopher.

See, im ok, ciesta in the fields of Samos ;)
beautiful Sarria River

Mountains of Galicia

Murals in the Monestary of Samos

Fields of Galicia

Awesome church guy with a city in his hat :)

Horses at the top of the mountain pass in Galicia
Santiago, 72km away...

The awesome Chewy Bird...

La Catedral de Santiago

a not very good picture of me at the cathedral


  1. I'm glad you're ok! I'm a little sad we didn't get to see you this time but I love the blog!

  2. funny thing is i said the same things about you back in cleveland...
    "chris could smell better, and, god, i wish he'd wear cleaner clothes."

    so good you're doing alright after the crash. better get a new helmet now. miss you buddy!!!!

  3. Hola, Marina me ha hablado de ti, te conició en el Camino de Santiago y en la Bicicrítica.

    Un saludo
