Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Porto - Serra Da Estrela - Castelo Branco

So after Porto, me and Rico as i think i already typed actually, took a train 100km east through the Douro Valley, then we rode for a bit and stopped in Pinhao, then i went on South towards Da Serra Da Estrela Mountain range where i got into some crazy trail that had me going over the moutain, i took one photo of the road conditions that lasted 5km just for Rico, i hope he checks it, crazy...So i made it through, over, and around the moutain range, and then had one heck of a ride down, CRAZY, particularly because the way i happened to go was not well maintained and parts of the road were actually falling over the cliff and there were boulders in the middle of the road, and here i was going 50 to 60 km per hour, not for long though, its just not safe. So i rode on towards the international park Tejo, where i stopped for the night in Castelo Branco, there i found out that i could catch a train at 5am in Caceres, so the next morning i just said, ok im going to Caceres, and 7 hours (+3 hours of ciesta, HA Rico, he knows i sleep a lot) of riding and 144km later, i was in Caceres by 1 am, then i slept at the station till the train came and BAM just as i expected, no bikes allowed. not on that train and not on three others, not until 4:30 could i take the train, so i kicked myself because i could have just taken an easy day, camped out again, and then another easy day to Caceres, but hey i didnt know. So i got to see yet another city, and its actually quite nice, and i still get to go to Madrid today, but i dont get there till nearly 7pm. So thats where im at now, just waiting for the train to Madrid. Here are some pictures from the past few days... Sorry the photos are a little out of order and i have no time to fix them...oh well.

Lagoa Comprida - Da Serra Da Estrela, Portugal

I literally climbed a mountain for this picture, no other higher peaks...

Im sorry to say i dont remember the name of this village...oops...

Pinhao, early morning

Douro Valley, quasi Napoleon style

An awesome old window

Messing with the camera at sunset

Castelo Branco Jardin

The other side of Da Serra Da Estrela mountain range, this photo from the road

Da Serra Da Estrela

This photo is for Rico, REDICULOUS - 5km i had to go through this crap...
...ouch my feet still hurt!

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness... that trail at the end there looks treacherous! glad you didn't fall off a mountain chris! beautiful pics!
