where i bumped into Angie who was already supposed to be in Amsterdam, but had to "crash" land in Dublin due to lack of cabin pressure in her plane. So we flew on to Amsterdam together, where i put together my bicycle. Angie and I then checked into our hotel room and fell quickly asleep...but not for long. Shortly thereafter, i woke up feeling as though i had slept all night, only to take a shower, get dressed, and get myself ready to go out, only to find out that it was just past 3 am...so i decided to just go for a bike ride at 3 in the morning in Amsterdam...
My bike at 4 am by a local monument
but this is not a bad thing, as i got to ride around the city with no one else, which was amazing, and i got to ride as the sun came up. The following day, me and Angie went to the Rijk Museum to see some Rembrandt and Vermeer paintings, we visited a few of the parks, and walked to the Anne Frank house. The following day, we took a train to the North Sea where we spent the day walking along the beach, getting sunburned, and walking through a national park.
Ang and i at a park in Holland by the North Sea
After that, we went back to Amsterdam and rented Angie a bike so that we could ride a little further out of the city center to see what the outer parts of the city were like. This yielded some decent birding opportunities, architectural viewing opportunities, as well as a glimpse at the Dutch lifestyle...
After that, and the chain on Angie's bike falling off literally 14 times, we rode on to Vondel Park...
Vondel ParkWe then made our way through the city center on bikes, which was a bit dangerous, but fun for me, taking pictures all the while, to get shots such as this one...
A canal in the center of Amsterdam
Following that, and our 20 mile ride, we went back tot he hotel room to prepare ourselves for the train ride to Paris early the next day. That is where i am now, at Angie's friend's house, about to eat and have some coffee, no pictures yet, as we arrived late, and it has been rainy and a bit stormy all day today. However, it is supposed to be nice the next 2 days, so i should be able to snap a few shots in that time and add yet another post to this blog. On Wednesday, we have a wedding to attend and late on Thursday we will be headed to Barcelona on a night train. 'Till next time, Christopher.
beautiful pics chris! so fun! tell angie i said hi. xo.