Saturday, June 6, 2009

Moving and Preparing

Me on my bike in Euclid

Sitting at home, deep in contemplation, watching a movie :)

My bike with no gear on it, 22 pounds

My bike loaded with all my gear...68 pounds.

So i am moving stuff in my warehouse space right now with my friend Noah, well, factually i am typing this up :) but i have been moving, which is a real downer, but hey what the heck...i guess. So i have just one day left in Cleveland before heading to New York, i did my first to last 30 mile ride today with gear, and had a great time, i visited a friend at Pennitentury Glenn Reservation and got to see the internals of the Wildlife Center, which was a treat. Then, i like to think that i rescued a snapping turtle off the road before it got ran over, another treat. I had breakfast with Eenie and her sister, another treat, wow three times :) so here i am uploading some pictures of my bike and gear, ill add more later, as i should be helping not typing. Tschuss! Christopher.


  1. chris! i'm SO EXCITED for you! i'm gonna miss you buddy! i'll definately be keeping track of your adventures on here while you're away. much love.

  2. p.s. nice bike! love the color!
