Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Granada - Malaga - 136km

So, somehow i always do this, (Rico knows) i tell myself im going to have an easy day and then i wind up doing nearly 100 miles....so i left Granada early and planned on riding just till Torre del Mar, a beach about 30km outside Malaga, but when i got there, it was WAY too crowded so i rode, ¨just a bit further¨and before i knew it, i was only 10km from the city center, so i made the entire ride in just one day. The ride from Granada to Malaga was simply amazing, and for multiple reasons, first of all the whole way was around the Sierra Nevada national park, so the views were astounding, and secondly, because Granada is in the mountains at an elevation of something like 1000-1300 meters and Malaga is on the coast with an elevation of something like 92 meters, almost the entire ride, almost, was downhill - so its not SO impressive that i made the 136km ride in just one day i guess, but it was HOT... the only temperature reading i saw said 33 degrees, which is well over 90 i think...hot as hell. So, here are a few pictures from the days ride, no more than this though as i am tired and have no more internet time. also, i didnt take that many pictures of Malaga im sorry to say, my back hurt from carrying the camera so i only took something like 15 total pictures while there. Now i am in Cordoba and ill be here 2 days, then to Sevilla for another two days and then 3 and a half days in the Lisboa region...and then....back home :) August 11th quickly approaches...Christopher.


brief stop for an impromptu photo shoot HA!

i thought this was really cool

a small pond at the base of the mountains

more mountain views...

1 comment:

  1. chris! i LOVE the picture of the big bird house looking thing in that amazing water!!! the best part is the little fish you can see when the photo is bigger. :)
